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Quick start

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Use this Quick Start guide to get you up and running with a working AI or live chat hosted by your App.

System Requirements

platform :ios, '10.0'

Note: M1 Mac is supported from v3.10.0.

Set up the SDK on your App.

Note: Using CocoaPods on an existing Xcode project will modify the project file, so you may want to make a backup before doing this.

  1. Create a Podfile in the root directory of your project.
$ pod init
  1. Add Official CocoaPods PodSpecs repository to your Podfile:
source ''
  1. Add bold360ai PodSpecs repository to your Podfile:
source ''
  1. Add bold360ai iOS SDK to your Podfile:
pod 'Bold360AI'
  1. Using terminal, with your project root directory as the working path, run:
pod install
# pod update (use this when you want to get new released version).

This will download all the necessary files which are required to integrate the bold360ai into your project.

! Now you are ready to integrate and create some chats.

Create and start a chat

Follow the next steps to create and start a chat.

Create new Project

Set Up a Project in Xcode

  1. Open Xcode and click start new Xcode Project:

  2. Next, select Single View Application and click Next:

  3. In the dialog screen displayed, enter the relevant details:

Import SDK

Go to the desired file (e.g., ViewController.swift) and add the line below:

import Bold360AI

Setup Chat Controller

    var chatController: ChatController!
    var chatControllerDelegate: ChatControllerDelegate!
    var chatHandlerProvider: ChatHandlerProvider!
    var chatViewController: UIViewController!

Setup Live Chat

// setup Live Chat
extension ViewController {
    @IBAction func setupBoldChat(_ sender: Any) {
        // 1. create account & set
        let account = LiveAccount()
        account.apiKey = {API_KEY}
        self.chatController = ChatController(account: account)
        // 2.  set controller delegate
        self.chatController.delegate = self

Make sure to read chat lifecycle doc and register to relevant states (e.g unavailable state).

Setup Bot Chat

// Setup Bot Chat
extension ViewController {
    @IBAction func setupBotChat(_ sender: Any) {
        // 1. create account & set
        let account = self.createAccount()
        self.chatController = ChatController(account: account)
        // 2.  set controller delegate
        self.chatController.delegate = self
    func createAccount() -> BotAccount {
        let account = BotAccount()
        account.account = "ACCOUNT"
        account.knowledgeBase = "KNOWLEDGE_BASE"
        account.apiKey = "API_KEY"
        return account;

Use Context

Context is a key-value parameter, so when you create the BotAccount object you can set NSDictionary which contains the related context.

// Using the context:
botAccount.context = ["someKey": "someValue"]

Configure Welcome Message Id

When you create the BotAccount object you can set welcome message id.

botAccount.welcomeMessageId = "{WELCOME_MESSAGE_ID}"

To Disable Welcome Message

botAccount.welcomeMessageId = WelcomeMsgIdNone

Create Initialization Entities

Entities is a feature of Bold360 that enables querying data from external sources in a conversational format. If a piece of info is missing from a bot query - the bot asks for the missing data to be able to answer. The application can populate the entity input values that are available - not to let the bot ask for input params that are “obviously available.”

// Creating Initialization Entities:
botAccount.initializationEntities = ["someKey1": "someValue1", "someKey1": "someValue2"]

Add Chat View Controller by Implementing Delegate Methods

extension ViewController: ChatControllerDelegate {
    func didFailLoadChatWithError(_ error: Error!) {
    func shouldPresentChatViewController(_ viewController: UINavigationController!) {
        // 4. present modally/ as child view controller over your view controller. 
       <YOUR_VIEW_CONTROLLER>.present(viewController, animated: false, completion: nil)

Code Sample

bold360ai samples