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Chat Availability

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Chat considered available, when the chat can be answered by a live agent. The availability of the chat can be checked any time, without creating ChatController instance.

Check chat availability

1. Create Account.

// for example create live account.
let liveAccount = LiveAccount()

Note: To check availability for specific department id do as below on LiveAccount:

liveAccount.extraData?.departmentId = "{DEPARTMENT_ID}"

2. Call checkAvailability under ChatController.

ChatController.checkAvailability(self.createAccount()) { (availabilityResult) in
   // Validate no error on result.error
   // Check isAvailable with result.isAvailable
   // If not available check result.reason

❗ In order to get availability status of the different departments in your organization, make sure your api access key is not configured to work with a specific department.

Available departments

Chat Departments Fetch The departments list can be fetched any time, without creating ChatController instance.

Fetch Departments

1. Create Account.

// for example create live account.
let liveAccount = LiveAccount()

2. Call fetchDepartments under ChatController.

ChatController.fetchDepartments(self.createAccount()) { result in
    if let departments = result?.departments {
        self.departments = departments