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Chat with live agent

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The SDK provides the tools to create and start a chat which will be answered by a live agent. Both chat parties should be connected during the chat session.


Use this account to create live chat sessions with an agent.

With the account you can configure and set chat and user details, set session parameters, like department, preffered language, etc.

Creating account

    @IBAction func setupBoldChat(_ sender: Any) {
        let account = LiveAccount()
        account.apiKey = {API_KEY}
        self.chatController = ChatController(account: account)
  • API_KEY - As was created on the admin console.

Configure chat session

Chat session and details can be configured by the account.
User details can be provided for the chat session, and will be available for the receiving agent to view.

  • extraData - Detailes about the user and the current chat session. The extraData details will be used to fill the prechat form if enabled, and will provide the agent some details about the user. = "{NAME}"
account.extraData.department = "{DEPARTMENT_ID}"


account.extraData.extraParams = ["department":"{DEPARTMENT_ID}","name": "{NAME}", "address": "{ADDRESS}"]

see available fields here

Listening to account updates

Register to protocol

1 . implement AccountProvider

class ClassName: AccountProvider

2 . Set AccountProvider:

chatController.accountProvider = self

To add account information

3 . Create AccountExtraData:

Note: accountExtraData getter must be implemented

3.1. For LiveAccountExtraData

extension ClassName: AccountProvider {
    var accountExtraData: AccountExtraData {
        let liveAccount = LiveAccountExtraData()
        liveAccount.firstName = "First Name"
        liveAccount.lastName = "Last Name" = "" = "5165165"
        return liveAccount

3.2. For AsyncAccountExtraData

extension ClassName: AccountProvider {
    var accountExtraData: AccountExtraData {
        let asyncAccount = AsyncAccountExtraData()
        asyncAccount.firstName = "First Name"
        asyncAccount.lastName = "Last Name" = "" = "5165165"
        return asyncAccount


For the extraParams setter: Existing keys values are being overrided and new keys are created with the custom_ prefix. The default keys are listed in

extension ClassName: AccountProvider {
    var accountExtraData: AccountExtraData {
        let liveAccount = LiveAccountExtraData()
        liveAccount.extraParams = ["first_name":"{FIRST_NAME}","last_name":"{Last_Name}"]
        return liveAccount

Escalate to Bold live chat from chat with AI

Chat escalation is done when the user selects a Chat typed channel configured on the Bold360ai console, from a bot response options.

If AccountProvider implementation was not provided, the chat will start with the created BoldAccount as is.

Live Chat continuity

Live chat continuity means to be able to relate chats to the same user. The agent can then see all the user’s chats history.

How to configure

In order to relate chats to the same user and create some kind of continuity of user chats, you need to pass the visitorId value that was created on the first chat, for this user. This value should be configured on the BoldAccount session details.

Chats history as it displayed on the agent workspace, is not the same as the history displayed on the mobile chat window. The history which displayed on the chat, depends on the hosting App implementation.

How to

  • Create a chat without displaying the prechat form.
    account.shouldDisablePreChat = true

    Notice: If the prechat form is being skipped, you can still send user details via extraData.