Getting Started

We highly recommend to go through the documentation first, so that you understand what you can do with the library.

Also, have a look to our playgrounds.

Quick Start

In order to follow this quick start example, you might just need an http-server, to serve an application, and modules.

The serve module will become handy, you can install it globally:

npm i -g serve

Library Installation

First, you need to add the library to your application.

If you do not have any, feel free to just use this simple example and go to next step.

If you are using any web Framework like React or VueJS, it's easy as that:

# Install the dependency
npm install modkit-loader --save
// Javascript
const Modkit = require('modkit-loader');
// ES6 or TypeScript
import * as Modkit from 'modkit-loader';

Otherwise, if you want to use it by CDN (not recommended), you can add it like this:

<!-- Modern Browsers -->
<script type="module">
  import * as Modkit from '';
  // Modkit is available
<!-- IE11 (Needs polyfills and systemjs before loading)-->
<script nomodule src=""></script>
<script nomodule src=""></script>
<script nomodule src=""></script>
<script nomodule>
  System.import('').then(function (Modkit) {
    // Modkit is available

Module Creation

Now that the library is loaded up in your application, it's time to create a first module. Feel free to use one of our examples as a template, that could speed up things!

In our templates, each module exports a load() and an unload() method, but everything is no set in stone! It depends on your needs.

Otherwise, you can just use the iife module as a template, that only add alerts when being loaded/unloaded.
Please go to next step if you do so.

Create a new repository and copy the content of one of the module templates (can be found in the examples folder), and let's do a few things:

  • Modify the content of rollup.config.js:
// const dest = '../../docs/static/modules/iife';
const dest = './';
  • Start the module in development:
# In a first terminal
npm run dev
# In a second terminal
serve --cors

Now the module should be served on a webserver, the url should be printed out on your second terminal, by default it should be: http://localhost:5000, but the port can be different if it was already used.

Opening a browser to this url should show your manifest.json file: http://localhost:5000/manifest.json

Load the module

Go back to your application, and load your module with this snippet:

  .then(({ mod }) => {

If you are using the simple example, you can just paste the url in the input.

The module should be loaded, and an alert should be shown.


Well done, you can now load modules to your application at runtime, it's time to create something awesome!