Advanced Usage

There is plenty other things you can do with Modkit Loader, check this out!

Manifest Parsing

If you want to parse the manifest, in order to modify values, or even reject the loading of a module, you can pass an async function to Modkit. It should either resolve with the manifest, or resolve empty (it we keep original manifest).

const parseManifest = async (manifest) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (manifest.version !== '1.0.0') {
      // Rewrite manifest properties += '-rewritten';
    } else {
      // Do not load the module
      reject(new Error('The module version is invalid.'));

You have two options:


Modkit.options.parseManifest = parseManifest;

On load

You can also pass the parse function as the second parameter of the load function:

await Modkit.load('http://my-server/my-module/manifest.json', parseManifest);


You can load a module easily with the load function. The function accepts four different params:

  • A URL to a JSON manifest.
await Modkit.load('http://my-server/my-module/manifest.json');
  • A list of URLS to JSON manifests.
await Modkit.load([
  • A manifest.
await Modkit.load({
  name: "my-module",
  endpoint: "./dist/entryfile.js",
  format: {
    type: "umd",
    name: "MyModule"
  version: "0.0.8"
  • A list of manifests.
await Modkit.load([
    name: "my-first-module",
    endpoint: "./dist/entryfile.js",
    format: {
      type: "umd",
      name: "MyFirstModule"
    version: "0.0.8"
    name: "my-second-module",
    endpoint: "./dist/entryfile.js",
    format: {
      type: "iife",
      name: "MySecondModule"
    version: "1.2.4"

Handling static assets

You can find the root path of your module under the rootPath attribute inside your module manifest.

When initializing your module, you should pass this variable, and use inside your views.

// Application Side
const { mod, rootPath } = await Modkit.load({
  name: "my-module",
  endpoint: "http://my-server/my-module/utils/entry.js",
  format: {
    type: "umd",
    name: "MyModule"
  version: "0.8.5"
// Here we call an exported "load" function of the module, giving the rootPath context
res.mod.load({ rootPath });

// Module Side
export function load ({ rootPath }) {
  // In this example, with that manifest
  // rootPath = 'http://my-server/my-module/utils'