
Use the toolbar load/unload button to load/unload the module.

This example shows how to handle library dependencies.

Example location:

This one makes use of DayJS in order to add a new view, containing date information of the post.

DayJS is added as an external dependency, therefore, it is not bundled in the module, but it should be present in the parent application.

The Load DayJS button will load DayJS via CDN.
This has to be done prior to use the Load #1 button.

The Load #1 button will load the module, assuming the dependency is present in the application, under the global window.dayjs variable.
If dayjs has not been loaded before, it should result in an error.

The Load #2 button will load the module, but as a requirement, it will load window.dayjs with a cdn endpoint if not already present in the application.
It should load DayJS, load the module and add a new view on the current page.

It should add the last documentation update date on the top right part of the page.